LAMSYSTEMS at the 25th International exhibition “Pharmtech & Ingredients”: results.

More than 400 companies from all over the world, including such countries like Russia, Belarus, Germany, Italy, India, China, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and others, took part in the exhibition. The total exhibition area was more than 8900 square meters. During the Pharmtech & Ingredients 2023 exhibition, a three-day business program took place, where the representatives of the professional association and pharmaceutical industry experts discussed current challenges and opportunities.
A very wide range of products was presented at the LAMSYSTEMS holding booth, including:
• Pharmaceutical Isolators, Microbiological safety cabinet, Pass box,
• clean room clothing and LS-INTELLECT system for control of the personal protective equipment,
• Isolating coverall and Helmet for work with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API);
• the model of the Wastewater heat treatment systems
Isolators for aseptic processing are designed as leak-tight enclosures equipped with pass box and glove ports. This kind of equipment is in high demand nowadays. To make it easier in operation, LAMSYSTEMS specialists integrated a gaseous hydrogen peroxide disinfection system into such Isolators.
Flexible Isolators are one of the latest developments of the Laboratory of Technical Garments LLC. It is an alternative to classic metal isolators and designed to protect the operator and the environment when working with hazardous materials, as well as to protect the product from external contamination. These Isolators can be used for work with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).
Microbiological safety cabinet BMB-II-"Laminar-S."-1,5 NEOTERIC proved itself as a reliable model of a serial production which is now adapted for use in the manufacturing of sterile medicinal products according to GMP and can be used in pharmaceutical production.
Jointly with clothing for clean rooms, which is used in pharmaceutical industry, the LS-INTELLECT system was presented at the exhibition. The following system automates the processes of controlling and managing of PPE in pharmaceutical production – from ordering to disposal.
To protect personnel during work with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), Laboratory of Technical Garments LLC specialists recommend using personal protective equipment such as Isolating coverall and Helmet. These items are made of elastic polymer that is resistant to various types of disinfection.
The model of the Wastewater heat treatment system was presented as one of the new business activity of the holding – design and production of stationary equipment for disinfection. This equipment can be developed and produced according to specified technological requirements and application.
Participation in “Pharmtech & Ingredients” 2023 confirmed that LAMSYSTEMS brand products are already well known to specialists of the pharmaceutical industry. Very often, visitors of our booth mentioned the high quality of our products, a flexible approach to individual design, and also expressed their intention to purchase our products again.