Lamsystems Portable Isolator in South Korea
Representatives of LAMSYSTEMS holding visited international exhibition in South Korea to demonstrate their latest development: a portable isolator for transportation of patients suspected of being infected with especially hazardous diseases.
Acquaintance of the company with representatives of South Korea started last year. At the international exhibition Medica-2017 that was held in Germany, the AUTECH CORPORATION got interested in a portable isolator, that was exhibited at LAMSYSTEMS stand. The representatives of both of the companies exchanged the contact information and have been cooperating since then.
In April, 2018, AUTECH CORPORATION purchased the portable isolator and introduced it at the international exhibition Fire Expo Korea 2018. Our specialists were also invited to the exhibition to further enhance and develop cooperation.
All of the business meetings planned for the course of the visit were successful. The representatives of LAMSYSTEMS holding visited AUTECH CORPORATION where they were able to discuss the international market entry and future cooperation strategy.
The international fire safety exhibition held from the 25th to the 27th of April in Daegu, South Korea was scheduled for the second part of the visit. An important section of the exhibition was dedicated to personal protection equipment. LAMSYSTEMS portable isolator was part of this section. The isolator caught a lot of attention of exhibition guests. They were interested in the principle of its operation, its suitability for transportation of animals, possibility of using different materials for its manufacturing etc. The visitors were also surprised to learn the main difference of LAMSYSTEMS portable isolator from its analogues: supply and exhaust system ensuring not only the exhaust of the air and maintenance of the negative pressure but also providing a controlled air supply via two active ventilation systems.
You can see the portable isolator of LAMSYSTEMS at ACHEMA-2018 exhibition that is going to be held from the 11th to the 15th of June at Frankfurt am Main, Germany. You are welcome to visit our stand No. B31, Hall 4.2!