Electromagnetic Compatibility. An Important Parameter of a Product
Since the day of establishment of LAMSYSTEMS, we have been struggling to localize the whole manufacturing cycle at one site. Thus, we have been acquiring high-precision machinery, developing quality control system and gathering a team of professionals. The above steps contributed to enhancement of quality and safety of our products.
In the course of the process, we could not leave out the power and electromagnetic “footprint” of our products. To study the issue, LAMSYSTEMS created its own laboratory for checking and researching the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of its products.
The objectives of the laboratory are the following:
- research and minimization of conducted interference of our products;
- research and minimization of harmonic components of the current injected into low-voltage distribution circuits;
- testing the product resistance to various power supply interferences (microsecond and nanosecond bursts; voltage drops, short breakages or changes);
- testing the product resistance to electrostatic discharges;
- modification and development of the products based on the test results.
Our equipment allows carrying out most of the required electromagnetic compatibility tests of our products. However, several specific tests cannot be done by our laboratory. For instance, checking the level of radio interference as well as resistance to external electromagnetic interference requires highly specialized environment that cannot be created at our site. Therefore, our specialists maintain close cooperation with leading electromagnetic compatibility laboratories. Based on the conducted tests, our equipment is constantly adapted to confirm with the international standards.