LAB-SUPPLY 2019 Dresden

Lab-Supply is a regional one-day exhibition focused on specialists from the area of ecology, food and industrial analysis, biochemistry, biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular and cell biology, medical diagnostics and pharmacology.
The program was included a presentation of laboratory equipment, analysis and testing tools, electronic measuring systems, devices and software, consulting and examination, testing equipment and tools for analytics, laboratory equipment, laboratory chemicals and other biotechnologies. Along with the exhibition, business lectures were provided by equipment manufacturers.
Annually this exhibition provides an opportunity to receive the latest news and relevant information for people who working in the laboratory industry.
A microbiological safety cabinet SAVVY SL was exhibited at the partner’s booth. The guests of the exhibition have got high interest in cabinet’s features: the power-driven front sash and the pullout UV.
Specialists answered many visitors’ questions about the operation, functionality and maintenance of the cabinets.
During the year, the Lab-Supply exhibition is held in different cities of Germany, in June this event was held in Berlin, where LAMSYSTEMS laboratory equipment was also introduced.
Annually this exhibition provides an opportunity to receive the latest news and relevant information for people who working in the laboratory industry.
A microbiological safety cabinet SAVVY SL was exhibited at the partner’s booth. The guests of the exhibition have got high interest in cabinet’s features: the power-driven front sash and the pullout UV.