European Audit Passed!

Representative from TÜV NORD (Hamburg, Germany) international certification center Svenja Sneider visited the enterprise with a certification audit in the beginning of June 2017.
In 2014, the microbiological safety cabinet class II NEOTERIC passed certification tests of compliance to the European standard EN 12469:2000 in the TÜV NORD certification center and received a designated certificate*.
Since then, the company confirms its right to mark its products with a European quality mark every year. Annual mandatory audit of the manufacturing company that received TÜV is created to confirm that the serial production complies with all the necessary standards and all manufactured products have the same quality characteristics as the sample that passed certification.
As usual, not only to the product but also the whole manufacturing process including supplies, quality management system, stages of the manufacturing cycle, tools and personnel qualification passed the quality control.
During her visit Mrs. Sneider has recognized a thought-through organization of the production process as well as new automated quality control system. New series of microbiological safety cabinets SAVVY also received attention. Its construction has a set of advantages compared to the previous series of models. Touch screen, low noise level and new V-shaped grille of the tabletop received positive feedback from the certification center representative. Mrs. Sneider also expressed her confidence that the new SAVVY line has all the chances to receive an international TÜV NORD certificate in the future.
In addition to all the necessary tests, the auditor shared information about new requirements of the European standards and gave some recommendations on high voltage testing methods of the cabinets.
In the end of June, we received the official confirmation that our third certification audit on compliance to the European standards had been passed. It proves that LAMSYSTEMS is on the same page with world leaders in production of the high-tech laboratory equipment.
*Authenticity of the certificate can be verified through the official TÜV NORD center. See the list of certified safety cabinets.